About Me

I am a medical student who was introduced to AdvoCare in 2008. I have since seen the products change people's health and the business change people's lives. AdvoCare has a package like no other business or supplement company that offers products to improve your health, workout, energy, or promote weight loss and offers a business that will help you get out of debt. Please email or call me if you have any questions or want more information. I will be more than happy to provide you with articles that back the products or stories that show you their efficacy.


Follow my Tweets or Facebook posts right here on my blog! Or even better yet, become a follower or a fan to get the information delivered even faster to your Twitter or Facebook accounts!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 3 of the 24 Day Challenge!

Last day of the fiber drink until Day 8! That is probably my least favorite part yet! Although, I have done a few other cleanses in my life, and these fiber drinks (although not amazing) are MUCH BETTER THAN OTHERS!!! Still feeling about the same, although I do feel less bulge in the belly! Maybe that means I am losing weight! If anything, maybe I won't have my belly by the end of this! Now that would be nice! I am excited about starting Probiotics tomorrow! Those are great!!!!! Nothing like giving your body more good gut flora to help rid yourself of the "bad stuff" that can cause cramping, diarrhea, etc.! Yep! You can't go wrong with these!!!!

Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Day 2 of the 24 Day Challenge!

Still not much! Definitely had a good...well...you know movement from down under today!!!! Haha! Other than that, loving the Spark!!! Like always! I am so focused and awake during my 12 hour days at work!!!

Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Day 1 of the 24 Day Challenge!!!

It's Day 1! Not much to expect! But, I can tell you what! I am excited beyond belief! Not only am I on my way to a healthy, happier me, but I am doing this with a group of friends and family!!! Woohoo! Nothing better than that! I will keep you posted as I venture through this challenge!

Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

24 Day Challenge Starting November 29th!!!!!

Join us was we start the 24 Day Challenge on November 29th! This program has shown great success in helping individuals lose weight and get in shape! It combines AdvoCare products with exercise and an appropriate diet, and the results are phenomenal! People are seeing pounds shed off of them and are fitting into clothes they never thought they would see again!

Check it out at AdvoCare's 24 Day Challenge!!!! Here you can read about the results people are seeing, watch instructional videos on what the 24 Day Challenge entails, and download PDFs that describe each phase of the 24 Day Challenge in more detail!

Message me if you have any questions! Order you product today in order to receive it in time to start with us on Monday!


Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Call Tonight at 9:30 PM CST! 24 Day Challenge Cash Incentive!

Call in tonight at 9:30 PM CST to find out how you can be entered into a drawing to win some cash for Christmas whene you sign up to do the 24 Day Challenge! Improve your chances by getting others to sign up to do the challenge with you! And remember that you already get $20 for every person that joins you and pays full price! Now is the time to meet the challenge! And you will even hear me talk tonight!

Call In Number: (712) 432-0075
Access Code: 377712

24 Day Challenge with Us Starts November 29th!

Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

AdvoCare Information Call: Strategies to a Healthy Holiday Season!!! Tonight at 9:15 PM!

AdvoCare Information Call: Strategies to a Healthy Holiday Season!!! AVOID the extra pounds from Thanksgiving to New Years!!! Earn CHRISTMAS CASH if you need it! Tonight from 9:15 pm to 9:45 pm CST! Hosted by Karen Edwards and Dr. Angelina Farella. Invite others to join you! Call in number: (712) 432-0075; Access Code: 734705. Message me if you have any questions!


Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Saturday, November 13, 2010

24 Day Challenge Webinar this Sunday at 9:00 PM CST

Join an online webinar to find out about the 24 Day Challenge that is
sweeping the nation and getting people in the best shape of their life. You will learn how and why each product in the program works. You will see and hear about some people who have been on the program and their results. You will learn about how to eat, what to eat and not to eat. This will be a webinar that you will want to make sure to have guests on. Who do you know that wants to look better, feel better and perform better. This will educate them on how they can accomplish that. Start inviting guests now.

Big Time 24 day Challenge Webinar
9:00 PM Central / 10:00 PM Eastern
Hosts: Richie and Cindy Jaynes, Tx

After registering you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the Webinar.

Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Thursday, November 11, 2010


OH! MY! WORD! If you have kids or want to know why this doctor decided to be different, YOU MUST LISTEN TO THIS CALL!!! Her love is to help her patients without throwing medications at them...WOW! Replay: 712-432-1085, access 377712. Listen & find out WHY a doctor with her own practice is turning to AdvoCare!! Don't ever prejudge...those you think won't or don't need it see it the BIGGEST!!!!

Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Monday, November 8, 2010

AdvoCare Conference Call with Pediatrician Dr. Angelina Farella

Thursday, November 11th from 9:00 to 9:20 pm!

Call In Number: (712) 432-0075
Access Code: 377712

Come join me with Dr. Angelina Farella, a pediatrician from the Webster/Houston area and a Gold 3 Star Distributor! Learn why a doctor would choose AdvoCare for both the products and the business! Why should you or your kids be taking supplements? Why AdvoCare? Why the business? These questions and more will be answered in this 20 minute call.

Very informative! Inspiring! Life changing! You can't go wrong!

Contact me now if you have any questions and to see why I am excited about AdvoCare! Or call me afterwards to sign up and start working your way to a healthier, debt free life!

Friends are welcome! Don't leave anyone behind!

Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Tonight ~ $20,000 AdvoCare Rookie Bonus Call

AdvoCare's $20,000 Rookie Bonus Call Tonight!

7 Distributors get to take home BIG CASH tonight~ Dial in to be apart of the excitement.

Just a reminder...

AdvoCare $20,000 Rookie Bonus Call

Find out who get's to take home the cash TONIGHT!
Listen to grasp the tremendous potential of opportunity AdvoCare has to offer!

Monday, November 8th @ 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern

Listen only- 1.888.760.7516

Playback: 1.888.760.7517

Available at 9:30 pm Central after the live call.

It will remain available until the following Friday at 9 am Central

Sunday, November 7, 2010

24 Day Challenge Webinar! You Can't Miss It!

If you want to lose weight, have more energy or PAY CASH for Christmas...In front of your computer is where you need to be tonight @ 9! Click on the link below and sign up. Its free and only about 20 minutes. I promise it could change your life. Message me on how to get started.

24 Day Challenge Webinar

Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Friday, November 5, 2010

Who do you know in Dallas? Business Opportunity Meeting

Who do you know in the Dallas Area?

Business Opportunity Meeting

Monday, November 15th

AdvoCare Training Center
2727 Realty Rd.
Carrollton, TX 75006

Led by:
Diamond Distributors
Jim and Marcy O'Hickey

A few reasons why you want to be there and bring others with you...

* You need more energy
* You want weight loss?
* You don't have any time? You need extra money?
* You need debt freedom?
* You are tired of doing what you do?
* Sick of your boss? Your work?
* You have bigger dreams that can't be reached at the current rate?
* You want to take all-expense paid vacations?
* Daycare raising your kids?
* You need to cover the mortgage payment?
* You need to cover the car payment?
* You want to be at home?

Contact me if you have any questions!

Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Monday, November 1, 2010

Running with AdvoCare and More!

So, I am up to running 2.5 to 3.0 miles every other day. This is from someone who was living a very sedentary lifestyle 10 wks ago. That means this has been a GREAT accomplishment! Of course, you probably think that I am tripping over my feet, gasping for air, and reaching for anything as I finish the last...well...2.5 to 3.0 miles! Haha! The truth is, that I feel great! I am keeping a consistent stride on average of about 9 minutes 30 seconds a mile and am able to complete full sentences at the end. So, what do I attribute this to? I am glad you asked! Here is what I have done:

1. Conditioning! Make sure you work up to the mileage. My first run 10 weeks ago was 0.65 miles and consisted of two minute walks! Trust me, if you stay consistent (running every other day, etc.) and push yourself little by little, YOU WILL MAKE IT!

2. Encouragement! Yep! Find someone to challenge you! I am using my sister, sister-in-law, and of course, my beautiful wife! My sister and I challenge each other with the NikePlus application! My sister-in-law and I get on to each other when we have been slacking! My wife simply encourages me every step of the way. Half the time, she is the reason I get off my rear end to run!

3. AdvoCare! Without a doubt, AdvoCare has played a role in my energy, weight loss, appetite control, and stamina! Here are the products I take:

Taking to boost my workout and maximize my weight loss

My wife loves pastas; this helps me to eat her favorites while still losing weight!

Great solution for a quick, healthy morning breakfast! Get all your nutrients in a fast meal, which helps with weight loss by allowing your body to function at its maximal metabolism.

100% of your daily need! Maximizes your metabolism by using the science of vitamins, nutrients, and plant extracts!

Ever want to workout with the pain afterwards! Here's your solution! Completely eleminates your after workout soreness!

Throw away your Gatorade and use what the pros use! Don't be deceived by the Gatorade jugs on the sidelines! Gatorade just pays for the advertisement! Most pro teams have Rehydrate inside the Gatorade jugs! Tricky aren't they! Rehydrate is the BEST rehydration drink out there!

Spark! My favorite! Provides me with energy, but more importantly, focus! Great solution for my ADDness and for my long hours while in medical school!

Helps to promote additional weighloss! Again, ups your metabolism to function at its best!

So there you have it! Ways to have a better workout and push yourself to the max! I did forget ot mention one thing in the above paragraph. I have lost a total of 18 pounds in 10 weeks! Woohoo! No worries, I have more to lose! Aiming to have a BMI of 25!

Contact me if you have any questions or are interested in trying any of these products!

Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Business Opportunity or Just a Discount? Fitting Your Needs!

Here is a great video on the business opportunity! The options are unlimited. You can simply sign up to get a discount on the top quality products in the world of fitness and health or make a few hundred to thousands a month to supplement or be the only source of your income! Which one is right for you? Contact me if you have any questions or are interested in seeing how your future can be changed physically, mentally, and financially! You can also check out other videos about the business opportunity at http://www.youtube.com/user/AdvoCareVideo#p/c/B4DB7982693F2024.


Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reminder: 20% Discount

20% Discount on all orders until October 31st at midnight! Checks and cash are preferred but not required. Call or email me to receive the discount. If you have any questions about the products, I will answer them or put in you contact with someone that will.


Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Upcoming Event!!!

Check out this upcoming event to learn more information about the products!!! You can't lose! It's free! Let me know if you have any questions!!!!

The Best Game In Town Event
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
7:00 pm

Check out to see which theater near you is carrying the event!


Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Epigenomics in the News

In the cover story of its Jan. 6, 2010 edition, "Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny," Time Magazine details the discovery that environment and nutrition can regulate how we access our genetic code. As part of this discovery, a new frontier in the study of gene expression has emerged. This science is known as epigenomics. While the widely known field of genomics is the study of our DNA code and mutations, epigenomics focuses on how our DNA code is utilized. Articles on epigenomics and methylation are beginning to appear in various medical journals.

About AdvoCare BioTools

AdvoCare BioTools supplements are designed to address our understanding of epigenomics and are formulated with ingredients considered to support this emerging science.
• Part of a proactive approach to healthy aging
• A two-supplement system designed for Baby Boomers
• Features AdvoCare BioTune and BioCharge
• Ingredients associated with anti-inflammatory properties*

AdvoCare BioCharge

Designed to: promote cellular and muscle repair and improve performance and recovery,* provide a caffeine-free source of energy.*

Key Ingredients
• Branch-chained amino acids (BCAA5)
• Taurine
• B vitamins
• Quercetin
• Cat's Claw extract
• Green tea leaf extracts
• Grape seed extract

AdvoCare BioTune

Designed to: promote internal balance and healthy aging.*
Key Ingredients
BioTune contains zinc and selenium and the following botanicals:
• Curcumin BCM-95® extract
• Amla extract
• Boswellic acid extract
• Grape seed extract
• Quercetin
• Ellagic acid from pomegranate extract
• Green tea leaf extracts
• Alpha lipoic acid
• Resveratrol
• Cat's claw extract


October Discount!

20% off your orders of $50 or more for the rest of October!

Lyle Workman
(940) 453-3080